Ahhh youthful daze they were. I have been holding on to my collection of ticket stubs for years. Over those years there were many great shows that were enjoyed, some of the greatest would be the Crosby, Stills Nash & Young Stub (3rd down on the left) at JFK Stadium (a real HELL HOLE in it’s day) in Jersey City, NJ. Long since torn down but back then on August 8th 1974, the day Nixon Resigned from office during Watergate. What a night it was, tin soldiers, Nixon, CSN&Y and all!
Then meeting Frank Zappa at the Palladium late show Halloween, 1978 during his historic performances there. A bunch of us got to hang out with Frank after the show and talk till the early morning hours, what a nice guy!
My first stab at being a bag man in NYC, begging for cash in the streets of NYC for the money for train fare home after the late show of the George Harrison Show at Madison Square Garden (top 2nd col.). The buzz was Lennon was coming, well he didn’t but Dylan did!!!
Lowell George and Little Feat at the Beacon Theater, WOW, what a show. One of the highlights of that evening was Lowell taking the stage with fire extinguisher in hand while the band was doing an on-fire version of “Day At The Dog Races.” He takes aim and try's to put the fire out, the truth is they were too hot extinguish.
Information from within still processing very positive vibes from all those years...Stay tuned.