While listening to the G Train the other night on RandoRadio.com I was diggin' the groove that Giacomo was in. I always felt Giaco is a man in a time signature of his own. Walking and talking with Giaco is kind of like having a loop of Burbeck's "Take Five" proudly whirling around in the background of your head. That's what I love about listening to his show, there are no predictions of where it will end up, an adventure everytime. Listening and dreaming sure is a cheap alternative to the rising cost of a full-fledged vacation! HA!
So here we are? Is this it? Is that what all the fuss was about?
Random Madness is back! After broadcasting for seven-and-a-half year run on WDFH 90.3 FM, Ossining, NY we have moved on to the Internet. As the dust settles on Monday evenings again it looks like I'll be coming at you live every Monday night at 7pm. Thats right, 7pm - 9pm every Monday! I'm looking forward to a regular ritual of random madness. This time its a bit more unique, at RandoRadio.com because there is so much talent to bounce off of. the entire station is based on radio the way it used to be. That is what its all about for each and everyone of the dedicated DJs and their shows. I'm amazed how different we are yet the same. We all grew up on great radio and it is so sad to cruise the FM dial to find nothing even remotely similar to what we grew up on. I don't know about you, but I needed music during my waking hours to survive, let-alone function. I was always at my most creative when a good groove is moving in the background. As I write these words, I'm having an earful of Christine's show. At this moment, life is good!